Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ello! I fortunately have had many friends who have studied abroad before me and they all recommend a blog series for those willing to listen to me go on and on and on about my life as Britt the Brit! This way it's easier for those on facebook and those smart enough to stay off the time sucking vortex to follow my adventures:) I have been warned MANY times I won't have a lot of down time so responding individually to messages you all know I love to do but it won't EXACTLY be ideal for all the adventuring I have planned! (also may make me a little too homesick!). I plan to post once a week minimum to keep those interested updated and sort of create a little memory book for myself as well! I hope y'all enjoy it! ....and I also hope I do some cool stuff otherwise this will just be silly :p

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Britt, so glad to hear and see the beginning of your adventure - I'll be looking forward to the next 'episode'. Have fun and be safe!
